Evolution of Congress Court Cards

With the exception of the Ace of Spades, the courts are the most recognizable cards in a deck, and have gone through subtle (and sometimes obvious) changes. On this page we will look at how the Congress court cards have changed from the 1880s to the 1980s. Shown here are the 10s, Jacks, Queens, and Kings of each suit, including the approximate timeframe they were produced.

Click on an image below to enlarge

Version 1

Early 1880s

Version 2

Early to Mid 1880s

Version 3


Version 4

Early-Mid 1890s

Version 5

Late 1890s – Early 1900s

Version 6

Mid 1900s

Version 7

Mid 1900s (Bold Indices)

Version 8

Late 1900s

Version 9

Early 1910s

Version 10


Version 11

1920s (Windsor, Canada)

Version 12


Version 13
